Saturday, February 24, 2007

What is a role-model

What is a role-model?

I have fictional and non-fictional role models. Of course, I have to start with god. He loves me when im not so loveable. There is mom and dad. Mom is a awsome listener and person to get advice about girls and what go's threw there heads to make them do what they do. And dad is someone who is always willing to toss around a ball or play some playstation with. My brother cody is possibley the best friend a guy could ask for and is a great leader, not to mention the thrill I get off playing softball with him every monday night during the summer. Theres Dave Mize, and what an great police officer and friend he has been to me, even after I broke up with his little girl. Theres George Henderson and the great stories he has accomponied with the encouragement he gives me every sunday. There is my youth leaders who have some of the most amazing amounts of patients I have ever seen. They are all some of the first people I turn to when my life seems to be spinning out of control. When I play softball I try to play the game like Ryan Freel of the Cincinnati Reds plays. He is a blue coller, all out husle type of player. He is not someone who will when a mvp award, but he has won many games, just by playing hard and giving it all he has. For those of you who watch 24, how could you not want to be like Jack Bauer? I mean the guys like a rock. But for now, im going to talk about another hero/ role model in the law enforcement field. Andy Taylor. What a great sherriff, a great father to his son, and overall a great human being. He gets it. He knows what being a police officer is all about. He had it kinda easy I most say, seeing that mayberry is probley only 100 or so people big, but still. He was professional with everyone he came into contact with. He understands what a lot of police officers dont these days. If you go out and write 24 tickets in your 8 hour shift, i dont think you have done a good job. Theres a time and a place to do traffic enforcement, but at some point you need to get abck into the subdivisions, roll your window down, drive about 15 mph, and do some crime pervention. I would rather pervent someone from breaking into someones house then to write a ticket to someone for driving 10 miles over the limit. Andy Taylor was a good father to his son. He treated his son with respect, and his son still knew who the boss was. This was tv, and i dont think any kid today would be that well behaved or what not but still i think parents today could take a note, and i hope i can do that someday. Im not really sure why i wrote this, but i did. Hope you enjoyed. And if your every wanting to watch some andy grffith, I know its on at 2 and 2:30 everyday on the WB. Later

Friday, February 16, 2007

The method has changed, not the message.

A really good friend of mine wrote this, and I thought it is very true....

A few months ago, Christina and I were sitting at Chili's just admiring the general splendor when we overheard a conversation from the people at the table next to us. One of the men said, "There can be no such thing as Christian rock music." Christina and I looked at each other and I almost got up to tell them otherwise. I strongly disagree with what that man said because "the method changes, not the message." If all churches today were the same holy-rolling pentecostal with bee hives for hair and skirts only for women otherwise God will look down upon you, very few people would attend. As time changes, so does the church. The church has become more contemporary and while the method changes, the message stays the same.
If there were not different types of Christian music, if the only Christian music that existed was the bluegrass 'Jesus Saved My Soul' version, generations would be lost. If there was no such thing as Christian rock, which I listen to, the other types of music would not appeal to some people so they would go back to listening to their other music, thus not receiving the Message that is within that Method of performing music. Music is music. Satan didn't create rock music or rap music. He created the message that those secular types of music convey. So remember.... it's in the message, not the method.

Monday, February 12, 2007


If you've read my profile or if you are close to me, then you know that once i turn 18 i want to work in the secuity field, well...this past satruday i took a giant step to making that happen as i had a intrview with kings island security and they were really impressed and after 5 mintutes they offerd me a job, but since im not 18 yet, i cant sign the papers or be hired until my birthday...but thought i'd share the good news.

Monday, February 5, 2007

All cops do is harass people...

Found this quite ammusing...
Recently, a California website ran an e-mail forum (a question and answer exchange) where the topic was "Policing the Community."One of the civilian email participants posed the following question:*"I would like to know how it is possible for police officers to continually harass people and get away with it?"*From the "other side" (the law enforcement side) a cool cop with a sense of humor replied:
It is not easy. In California we average one cop for every 2,000 people. About 60% of those cops are on patrol, where we do most of the harassing. One-fifth of that 60% are on duty at any given moment and are available for harassing people. So, one cop is responsible for harassing about 10,000 residents. When you toss in the commercial, business and tourist locations that attract people from other areas, sometimes you have a situation where a single cop is responsible for harassing 20,000 or more people each day.A ten-hour shift runs 36,000 seconds. This gives a cop one second to harass a person, and three-fourths of a second to eat a donut AND then find a new person to harass. This is not an easy task. Most cops are not up to it, day in and day out. It is just too tiring. What we do is utilize some tools to help us narrow down those people which we harass.They are as follows:
-PHONE: People will call us up and point out things that cause us to focus on a person for special harassment. "My neighbor is beating his wife" is a code phrase we use.Then we come out and give special harassment. Another popular one on a weeknight is, "The kids next door are having a loud party.
-"CARS: We have special cops assigned to harass people who drive. They like to harass the drivers of fast cars, cars blasting music, cars with expired registration stickers and the like. It is lots of fun when you pick them out of traffic for nothing more obvious than running a red light. Sometimes you get to really heap the harassment on when you find they have drugs in the car, are driving drunk, or they have an outstanding warrant.
-RUNNERS: Some people take off running just at the sight of a police officer. Nothing is quite as satisfying as running after them like a beagle on the scent of a bunny. When you catch them you can harass them for hours.
-CODES: When you can think of nothing else to do, there are books that give ideas for reasons to harass folks. They are called "Codes" Penal, Vehicle, Health and Safety, Business and Professional Codes, to name a few. They spell out all sorts of things for which you can really mess with people. After you read the code, you can just drive around for a while until you find someone violating one of these listed offenses and harass them. Just last week I saw a guy smash a car window. Well, the code says that is not allowed. That meant I got permission to harass this guy.
It is a pretty cool system that we have set up, and it works pretty well.We seem to have a never-ending supply of folks to harass. And we get away with it. Why? Because the good citizens who pay the tab actually like the fact that we keep the streets safe for them. Next time you are in my town, give me a single finger wave. That will be a signal that you wish for me to take a little closer look at you, and then maybe I'll find a reason to harass YOU.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Bottom of the first

Alrighty, sooo im really new to this site and really the whole blog thingy, so dont make fun. If you have any wise advice, please do share. If you have a myspace, feel free to send me a friend all for now.